Published: August 27, 2024 | Jack Bernstein

If you’ve been in an accident in Las Vegas and suspect a vehicle defect was to blame, you’re facing a unique and challenging situation. Proving that a defective vehicle caused your accident requires specific knowledge and careful action. In Nevada, these cases demand a thorough understanding of both state laws and the complexities of automotive engineering.

As an experienced Las Vegas attorney, I’ve guided many clients through this process. This article will walk you through the critical steps to take after your accident and explain how to build a strong case. Remember, time is of the essence in preserving evidence and protecting your rights.

Key TakeawayWhat That Means for You
Vehicle defects must exist when the car left the manufacturerYou need to prove the defect wasn’t caused by aftermarket modifications or lack of maintenance
Nevada follows strict liability for product defectsYou don’t need to prove the manufacturer was negligent, only that the defect exists and caused your accident
Preserve your vehicle and all evidence immediatelyDon’t repair or dispose of your vehicle; secure it and all related documents as soon as possible
Expert witnesses are crucial in proving defective vehicle casesYou’ll likely need automotive engineers and accident reconstruction specialists to support your claim
Nevada uses modified comparative negligenceYou can still recover damages if you’re less than 51% at fault, but your compensation may be reduced
There are time limits for filing a claim in NevadaAct quickly to protect your rights; consult with an attorney as soon as possible after the accident
Manufacturers often argue driver errorBe prepared to counter arguments about your driving; gather evidence of your driving record and the vehicle’s behavior
Thorough documentation is keyKeep detailed records of the accident, your injuries, medical treatments, and any communication about the case

Understanding Vehicle Defects in Nevada Accident Cases

What Constitutes a Vehicle Defect?

A vehicle defect is any flaw in a car’s design, manufacture, or marketing that makes it unreasonably dangerous. These can range from faulty brakes to poorly designed fuel systems.

Key Point: Not all vehicle malfunctions are considered legal “defects.” The defect must have existed when the vehicle left the manufacturer’s control.

Common Types of Defects

  1. Manufacturing Defects: Errors in production
  2. Design Defects: Flaws in the vehicle’s blueprint
  3. Warning Defects: Failure to warn about non-obvious dangers

Common Vehicle Defects Leading to Crashes

Understanding common automotive defects is crucial when building your case. Here are the major categories of vehicle defects that frequently cause accidents:

Defect TypePotential Consequences
Brake FailuresInability to stop, loss of control
Tire DefectsBlowouts, loss of traction, rollovers
Steering MalfunctionsLoss of vehicle control, veering
Airbag FailuresIncreased injury risk in collisions
Fuel System IssuesRisk of fire or explosion

These defects can turn a routine drive into a dangerous situation. Even skilled drivers may find themselves unable to prevent an accident when faulty vehicle components malfunction.

Other critical defects include:

  • Electrical system faults
  • Suspension defects
  • Transmission failures

Why Proving Defects Matters in Your Case

Establishing a vehicle defect can:

  • Shift liability from you to the manufacturer
  • Potentially increase your compensation
  • Help prevent future accidents by prompting recalls

Nevada’s Stance on Vehicle Defects

Nevada follows strict liability in product defect cases. This means:

What It MeansWhy It’s Important
You don’t need to prove negligenceEasier to establish manufacturer liability
Focus is on the product, not the manufacturer’s behaviorSimplifies your case

However, you still need to prove:

  • The defect existed when it left the manufacturer
  • The defect caused your accident
  • You suffered damages as a result

Understanding these basics is crucial. It sets the foundation for the steps you’ll need to take to build a strong case. Let’s move on to what you should do immediately after suspecting a defective vehicle caused your accident.

Immediate Steps After a Suspected Defective Vehicle Accident

Prioritize Safety and Health

  1. Check for injuries
  2. Move to a safe location if possible
  3. Call 911 for emergency services

Document the Accident Scene

Collect as much evidence as you can, safely:

  • Take photos of:
    • Vehicle damage
    • Road conditions
    • Traffic signs
    • Weather conditions
  • Record videos if possible
  • Get contact info from witnesses

Preserve Your Vehicle as Evidence

This step is crucial. Don’t:

  • Repair the vehicle
  • Sell or scrap it
  • Allow anyone to tamper with it


  1. Store the vehicle securely
  2. Take detailed photos of the suspected defect
  3. Note any unusual behavior leading up to the accident

Report the Accident Properly

File a police report and be specific:

  • Mention your suspicion of a vehicle defect
  • Describe any unusual vehicle behavior
  • Request a copy of the report for your records

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine:

  1. Get a thorough medical exam
  2. Document all injuries, no matter how minor
  3. Follow your doctor’s advice closely

Notify Your Insurance Company

Report the accident, but be cautious:

  • Stick to the facts
  • Don’t admit fault
  • Mention your suspicion of a vehicle defect
  • Don’t give a recorded statement without legal advice

Contact an Experienced Attorney

Time is critical in defective vehicle cases:

  • Evidence can disappear quickly
  • Nevada has strict time limits for filing claims
  • An attorney can guide you through complex legal processes

By taking these immediate steps, you’re laying a solid foundation for your case. Next, we’ll explore the key elements you’ll need to prove that a defective vehicle caused your accident.

Key Elements to Prove Your Defective Vehicle Case

Demonstrating the Existence of a Defect

To prove a defect, you must show:

  1. The vehicle had a flaw
  2. The flaw existed when it left the manufacturer
  3. The flaw made the vehicle unreasonably dangerous

Tip: Gather maintenance records, recall notices, and similar complaints about your vehicle model.

Linking the Defect to Your Accident

You need to establish causation:

  • Show how the defect directly led to the accident
  • Rule out other potential causes

This often requires expert analysis and testimony.

Establishing How the Defect Caused Your Injuries

Connect the dots:

  1. Defect → Accident → Injuries
  2. Document all injuries thoroughly
  3. Keep detailed medical records

The Burden of Proof in Nevada

In Nevada, you must prove your case by a “preponderance of evidence”:

What It MeansIn Practice
More likely than not51% or greater probability
Balance tips slightly in your favorLower than criminal cases, but still substantial

Gathering and Preserving Crucial Evidence

Types of Evidence Needed

  1. Physical Evidence:
    • The vehicle itself
    • Damaged parts
    • Black box data (if available)
  2. Documentation:
    • Accident reports
    • Medical records
    • Witness statements
  3. Expert Analyses:
    • Engineering reports
    • Accident reconstruction

Nevada-Specific Procedures for Evidence Preservation

  • Legal hold notices: Prevent destruction of evidence
  • Chain of custody: Document who handles evidence and when
  • Spoliation laws: Understand penalties for destroying evidence

Important: Nevada courts can impose severe sanctions for spoliation of evidence.

Steps to Preserve Evidence

  1. Secure the vehicle immediately
  2. Photograph and video document everything
  3. Collect all relevant documents
  4. Interview witnesses promptly
  5. Engage experts early

Remember, evidence can degrade or disappear quickly. Act fast to protect your case.

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Your Case

Types of Experts That Can Strengthen Your Claim

  1. Automotive Engineers
    • Analyze vehicle design and manufacturing
    • Identify specific defects
  2. Accident Reconstruction Specialists
    • Recreate accident scenarios
    • Determine how defect influenced the crash
  3. Medical Experts
    • Link injuries to the accident
    • Assess long-term impact of injuries

Key Point: Choose experts with strong credentials and courtroom experience.

How Expert Testimony Supports Your Case

Experts can:

  • Explain complex technical issues to the court
  • Provide credible, objective analysis
  • Counter manufacturer’s defense arguments
Expert TypeKey Contributions
AutomotivePinpoint defect, explain industry standards
ReconstructionShow how defect caused accident
MedicalProve extent and cause of injuries

Selecting the Right Experts


  1. Qualifications and experience
  2. Communication skills
  3. Previous court testimonies
  4. Availability for your case

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Distinguishing Defects from Driver Error

Manufacturers often argue driver error caused the accident. To counter:

  • Gather evidence of your driving record
  • Document any unusual vehicle behavior before the crash
  • Use expert testimony to show how the defect, not your actions, caused the accident

Strategies for Countering Manufacturer Defenses

  1. “The vehicle met all safety standards”
    • Show standards are minimum requirements
    • Prove the defect existed despite meeting standards
  2. “The vehicle was modified after manufacture”
    • Provide maintenance records
    • Demonstrate modifications didn’t cause the defect
  3. “The defect wasn’t foreseeable”
    • Use industry data to show similar issues
    • Prove the manufacturer should have known about the risk

Dealing with Comparative Negligence in Nevada

Nevada follows a modified comparative negligence rule:

  • You can recover damages if you’re less than 51% at fault
  • Your compensation reduces by your percentage of fault

To maximize your claim:

  • Clearly demonstrate how the defect, not your actions, primarily caused the accident
  • Provide evidence of your safe driving habits
  • Use expert testimony to show the accident was unavoidable due to the defect

Remember: Even if you were partially at fault, you may still have a valid claim if the defect significantly contributed to the accident.

How Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers Can Help

Our Expertise in Nevada Defective Vehicle Claims

At Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers, we bring:

  • 40+ years of experience in personal injury law
  • Deep understanding of Nevada’s product liability laws

We leverage our expertise to:

  1. Thoroughly investigate your case
  2. Build a robust evidence portfolio
  3. Navigate complex legal procedures
  4. Negotiate effectively with manufacturers and insurers

Our Approach: We combine our legal expertise with personalized attention to maximize your claim’s potential.

What to Expect in Your Free Consultation

Your initial consultation is a crucial step. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Detailed discussion of your accident
  2. Preliminary case evaluation
  3. Explanation of the legal process
  4. Answering your questions and concerns
What to BringWhy It’s Important
Accident reportProvides official documentation
Photos/videosVisual evidence of the scene and damages
Medical recordsShows extent of injuries
Vehicle informationHelps identify potential defects

Our Commitment to Your Case

When you choose Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers, you get:

  • Direct access to Jack Bernstein
  • Regular case updates
  • A team dedicated to your success
  • No fees unless we win your case

We handle the legal complexities so you can focus on recovery.

Next Steps: Taking Action on Your Defective Vehicle Case

  1. Preserve Evidence
    • Secure your vehicle
    • Gather all relevant documents
  2. Seek Medical Care
    • Follow all treatment plans
    • Keep records of all medical visits
  3. Contact Our Office
    • Schedule your free consultation
    • Bring all relevant information
  4. Avoid Communication with Manufacturers
    • Let us handle all case-related communications

Remember: Time is critical in defective vehicle cases. The sooner you act, the stronger your case can be.

By taking these steps and working with our experienced team, you’re positioning yourself for the best possible outcome in your defective vehicle case. At Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers, we’re committed to guiding you through every step of this complex process.

FAQs About Proving Defective Vehicle Accidents in Nevada

What are the key steps to prove a defective vehicle caused my accident in Nevada?

Preserve your vehicle, document the accident scene, seek medical attention, gather maintenance records and recall notices, and work with expert witnesses to establish the defect and its link to your accident.

How long do I have to file a defective vehicle claim in Nevada?

You generally have two years from the accident date, but act quickly to preserve evidence and build a strong case.

What’s the difference between a manufacturing defect and a design defect?

A manufacturing defect affects specific units due to production errors. A design defect is an inherent flaw affecting all units of that model.

How does Nevada’s comparative negligence law affect my case?

You can recover damages if you’re less than 51% at fault. Your compensation reduces by your fault percentage, so proving the defect as the primary cause is crucial.

What types of vehicle defects commonly cause accidents?

Common defects include faulty brakes, tire issues, steering failures, electrical malfunctions, and airbag or seatbelt problems.

Can I have a case if my vehicle was recalled for the defect that caused my accident?

Yes, if you weren’t properly notified of the recall or if the recall repair was ineffective.

How can Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers help with my case?

We’ll investigate your accident, gather evidence, work with experts, and navigate the legal process to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome.

Our Location

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you have been injured in an accident, contact Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers for a free, no obligation consultation with experienced Las Vegas accident lawyers. You will gain an advocate for every stage in the claims process until you have the compensation you deserve.

Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers is available to help you handle your injury claim in the Las Vegas metropolitan area and beyond. Jack Bernstein and his team can offer you the personalized service and legal representation you deserve after an accident.

Call us at (702) 633-3333 or contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.

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