Published: August 27, 2024 | Jack Bernstein

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Las Vegas or elsewhere in Nevada, you may be facing a crucial decision: should you accept a structured settlement or a lump-sum payment for your personal injury claim?

A structured settlement is a financial arrangement where you receive your compensation in a series of payments over time, rather than all at once. This option can significantly impact your financial future and may offer advantages in certain situations.

As a Nevada personal injury attorneys with 40 years of experience, we at Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers understand the complexities of structured settlements and how they apply to cases in our state. This guide will help you understand what structured settlements are, their pros and cons, and when they might be the right choice for your Nevada personal injury case.

Remember, every case is unique. While this information provides a starting point, consulting with an experienced attorney is crucial for making the best decision for your specific circumstances.

Key TakeawayWhat That Means for You
Structured settlements provide periodic payments over timeYou receive regular income instead of one large sum, potentially offering long-term financial stability
Payments from structured settlements are often tax-freeYou may keep more of your settlement money, but consult a tax professional for your specific situation
Structured settlements can be customizedYour payment schedule can be tailored to match your anticipated future needs
Nevada law (NRS 42.030) regulates structured settlementsYour rights are protected under state law, ensuring the agreement is legally binding
Court approval is required for minors’ settlementsIf the injured party is a minor, a judge will review the terms to ensure fairness
Structured settlements may affect government benefitsCareful planning is needed to maintain eligibility for programs like Medicaid or SSI
Once established, terms are typically fixedYou gain financial security but lose flexibility to change payment terms or access the full amount
Professional guidance is crucialConsult with an experienced attorney and financial advisor to make the best decision for your unique circumstances

Definition and Basic Concept of Structured Settlements

What Is a Structured Settlement?

A structured settlement is a financial arrangement in personal injury cases where compensation is paid out in a series of installments over time, rather than as a single lump sum.

Key Point: Structured settlements provide periodic payments to injury victims, often tax-free, instead of one large payment.

How Structured Settlements Work

  1. Negotiation: Your attorney and the defendant’s insurer agree on a total settlement amount.
  2. Payment Schedule: A customized payment plan is created based on your needs.
  3. Funding: The defendant purchases an annuity from a life insurance company.
  4. Disbursement: You receive payments according to the agreed schedule.

Types of Payment Structures

Structured settlements can be tailored to your specific needs. Common payment structures include:

  • Monthly payments
  • Annual payments
  • Initial lump sum followed by periodic payments
  • Increasing payments to account for inflation
  • Lump sums at specific future dates (e.g., for college tuition)

Legal Status in Nevada

In Nevada, structured settlements are recognized and regulated under NRS 42.200. This law ensures that structured settlements are legally binding and provides certain protections for recipients.

Who Might Consider a Structured Settlement?

  • Individuals with long-term medical needs
  • Minors who will need funds for future education
  • Those concerned about managing a large sum of money
  • People seeking guaranteed income over time

Remember: While structured settlements offer many benefits, they’re not right for everyone. Your specific circumstances will determine whether this option is suitable for you.

Structured Settlements vs. Lump-Sum Payments: A Comparison

When considering your settlement options, it’s crucial to understand the differences between structured settlements and lump-sum payments. Let’s break it down:

Structured Settlements

  • Payments spread over time
  • Potentially tax-free (consult a tax professional)
  • Can be tailored to future needs
  • May offer protection from creditors
  • Limited access to full amount

Lump-Sum Payments

  • Entire amount received at once
  • May have tax implications
  • Provides immediate access to funds
  • Requires personal financial management
  • No built-in protection from creditors

Key Consideration: Your choice between a structured settlement and a lump-sum payment can significantly impact your financial future.

Comparison Table

FactorStructured SettlementLump-Sum Payment
FlexibilityLimited access to full amountFull control over funds
Tax ImplicationsOften tax-freeMay be taxable
Financial ManagementManaged by professionalsSelf-managed
Protection from CreditorsOften protectedNo built-in protection
Inflation ProtectionCan be built into the structureDependent on personal investment

Pros and Cons of Structured Settlements


  1. Financial Security: Guaranteed income over time
  2. Tax Benefits: Payments are often tax-free
  3. Customization: Tailored to your specific needs
  4. Protection: Safeguarded against poor financial decisions


  1. Lack of Flexibility: Limited access to full amount
  2. Inflation Risk: Fixed payments may lose value over time
  3. Insurer Stability: Dependent on the financial health of the insurance company
  4. Cannot Be Sold or Changed: Once established, terms are typically fixed

Who Benefits Most?

Structured settlements are particularly beneficial for:

  • Those with long-term medical needs
  • Individuals who struggle with financial management
  • Minors who will need funds for future education
  • People seeking a stable, guaranteed income stream

Remember: The best choice depends on your individual circumstances, financial goals, and long-term needs.

When to Consider a Structured Settlement in Nevada

Severe or Long-Term Injuries

If you’ve suffered injuries that require ongoing medical care or have resulted in permanent disability, a structured settlement can provide:

  • Regular payments to cover medical expenses
  • Steady income to replace lost wages
  • Financial security for long-term care needs

Cases Involving Minors

In Nevada, structured settlements are often used in cases involving minors because:

  • They protect the child’s financial future
  • Funds can be distributed at key life stages (e.g., for college expenses)
  • They prevent premature spending of the settlement

Large Settlement Amounts

For settlements exceeding $150,000, structured settlements can offer:

  • Professional money management
  • Protection against impulsive spending
  • Potential tax advantages

When Financial Security is a Priority

Consider a structured settlement if:

  • You’re concerned about managing a large sum
  • You want guaranteed income for a specific period
  • You need to ensure funds for future expenses

Important: Always consult with a qualified attorney and financial advisor before deciding on a structured settlement. They can help you determine if it’s the right choice for your specific situation.

Nevada-Specific Laws and Regulations for Structured Settlements

In Nevada, structured settlements are governed by specific laws to protect recipients. Understanding these regulations is crucial when considering this option.

Key Nevada Statutes

  • NRS 42.200: Regulates structured settlements in personal injury cases
  • NRS 41.200: Governs settlements involving minors

Court Approval Requirements

  • Settlements for minors: Must be approved by a Nevada court
  • Adult settlements: Generally don’t require court approval, but exceptions exist

Protection from Creditors

Nevada law offers some protection for structured settlement payments:

  • NRS 21.090: Exempts certain annuity payments from creditor claims
  • This can provide long-term financial security

Note: While Nevada law offers protections, always consult an attorney for the most current legal advice.

Transfer Restrictions

  • Selling or transferring structured settlement payments is regulated
  • Requires court approval and must meet specific criteria

The Process of Setting Up a Structured Settlement in Nevada

  1. Negotiation
    • Your attorney and the defendant’s insurer agree on total compensation
    • Terms of the structured settlement are discussed
  2. Drafting the Agreement
    • A qualified structured settlement consultant is often involved
    • Payment schedule and terms are finalized
  3. Purchasing the Annuity
    • Defendant buys an annuity from a life insurance company
    • This funds your future payments
  4. Court Approval (if necessary)
    • Required for minors or in specific adult cases
    • Judge reviews terms to ensure fairness
  5. Implementation
    • Annuity is set up in your name
    • Payments begin according to the agreed schedule

Customizing Your Settlement

Structured settlements can be tailored to your needs:

  • Regular monthly or annual payments
  • Larger payouts at specific times (e.g., for anticipated medical procedures)
  • Increasing payments to account for inflation
  • Combination of lump sum and periodic payments

How Structured Settlements Apply to Common Nevada Personal Injury Cases

Auto Accidents

  • Ideal for cases with long-term injuries
  • Can cover ongoing medical expenses and lost wages

Workplace Injuries

  • May supplement workers’ compensation benefits
  • Useful for permanent disability cases

Slip and Fall Accidents

  • Can address immediate and future medical needs
  • Helpful when injuries result in long-term care requirements

Medical Malpractice

  • Often involves substantial settlements suitable for structuring
  • Can provide lifelong care for severe cases

Product Liability

  • Useful when injuries require ongoing treatment or result in disability
  • Can account for future complications or medical advancements

Remember: Each case is unique. The suitability of a structured settlement depends on the specific circumstances of your injury and your long-term needs.

Negotiating for a Structured Settlement

Negotiating a structured settlement requires careful consideration and strategy. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Negotiation Points

  1. Total settlement amount
  2. Payment schedule
  3. Interest rates on annuity
  4. Inflation protection measures
  5. Provisions for life changes

Tip: Always negotiate based on your long-term needs, not just immediate desires.

Involving Professionals

  • Attorney: Guides legal aspects and overall strategy
  • Financial Advisor: Helps assess long-term financial implications
  • Structured Settlement Broker: Designs settlement structure

Common Negotiation Tactics

  • Start high: Initial proposal should exceed your minimum acceptable amount
  • Be patient: Rushing can lead to unfavorable terms
  • Stay flexible: Be open to different payment structures
  • Focus on future needs: Consider potential changes in your situation

Potential Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Underestimating future expenses
  2. Overlooking tax implications
  3. Accepting first offer without thorough evaluation
  4. Neglecting to include provisions for unexpected life changes

How Structured Settlements Might Affect Your Government Benefits in Nevada

Understanding the interplay between structured settlements and government benefits is crucial for maintaining eligibility and maximizing your financial resources.

Impact on Medicaid Eligibility

  • Structured settlement payments may affect Medicaid eligibility
  • Consider a Special Needs Trust to preserve benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

  • Generally not affected by structured settlements
  • Payments don’t count as income for SSDI purposes

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

  • Structured settlement payments may impact SSI eligibility
  • Careful planning required to maintain benefits

Nevada State-Specific Programs

  • Some state assistance programs may have unique rules
  • Consult with a local benefits specialist for detailed information

Strategies to Preserve Benefits

  1. Special Needs Trusts
    • Can receive settlement payments without affecting benefit eligibility
    • Must be properly structured and managed
  2. ABLE Accounts
    • Tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities
    • Can complement structured settlements
  3. Spend-Down Provisions
    • Strategic use of funds to maintain benefit eligibility
    • Requires careful planning and execution

Next Steps: Getting Professional Guidance

After understanding the basics of structured settlements, it’s crucial to seek professional advice tailored to your specific situation.

Consulting with a Nevada Personal Injury Attorney

  1. Experience matters
    • Look for attorneys with specific structured settlement expertise
    • Jack Bernstein’s 40 years of experience can be invaluable
  2. Free initial consultation
    • Most reputable attorneys offer this
    • Use this time to assess your case and options
  3. Questions to ask:
    • Is a structured settlement right for my case?
    • How might it affect my future financial situation?
    • What are the tax implications?

Financial Advice

  • Consult a financial advisor familiar with structured settlements
  • They can help project long-term financial impacts
  • Consider both immediate needs and future financial goals

Medical Professionals

  • Your doctors can provide insight into future medical needs
  • This information is crucial for structuring appropriate payments

Structured Settlement Specialist

  • These professionals can design a settlement that meets your specific needs
  • They work with life insurance companies to secure the best rates

Your Next Move

  • Assess your current and future needs
  • Gather all relevant documentation about your case
  • Schedule a consultation with an experienced Nevada personal injury attorney

At Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. With our deep understanding of Nevada law and decades of experience, we can help you make the best decision for your future.

Remember, the choice between a structured settlement and a lump sum payment is significant. Take your time, ask questions, and make an informed decision that secures your financial future.

FAQs About Structured Settlements in Nevada Personal Injury Cases

What’s a structured settlement?

It’s receiving your injury compensation in regular payments over time instead of one lump sum.

Are structured settlements better than lump sums?

It depends on your needs. Structured settlements offer long-term security, while lump sums provide immediate access to funds.

Are structured settlement payments taxed in Nevada?

Most are tax-free, but consult a tax professional for your specific case.

Can I sell my structured settlement payments?

It’s possible but requires court approval and is generally discouraged due to financial implications.

How long do payments typically last?

It varies widely, from a set number of years to a lifetime, depending on your settlement’s structure.

Can I change the settlement after it’s set up?

Generally, no. That’s why it’s crucial to plan carefully before agreeing to terms.

How do I know if a structured settlement is right for me?

Contact Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your specific situation.

What’s the first step in setting up a structured settlement?

Consult with an experienced Nevada personal injury attorney. Call us today to explore your options

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Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you have been injured in an accident, contact Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers for a free, no obligation consultation with experienced Las Vegas accident lawyers. You will gain an advocate for every stage in the claims process until you have the compensation you deserve.

Jack Bernstein Injury Lawyers is available to help you handle your injury claim in the Las Vegas metropolitan area and beyond. Jack Bernstein and his team can offer you the personalized service and legal representation you deserve after an accident.

Call us at (702) 633-3333 or contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.

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